Strategic narrative. A powerful tool to persuade stakeholders to embrace your vision and rally behind you.

As CEO you ensure your company stays ahead of the curve. Making bold strategic moves to create exceptional value while building resilience against the worst this modern digital world has to offer. This means turning your vision into thought leadership, overcoming obstacles and resistance to change, aligning stakeholders across cross-functional teams, elevating product roadmaps to a big-picture story, hiring hard-to-hire talent, and tapping capital markets to raise growth capital from investors.

Naturally, you won’t get anywhere without buy-in from stakeholders, including executive management, leadership teams, employees, customers, and investors. But getting them to embrace your vision can turn into a complex and long drawn-out process.

That’s where the strategic narrative comes in. In my work, I draw on the timeless power of storytelling to help you shape a narrative that gives meaning to your vision. A view of what’s possible and a compelling reason why the company should head in that direction. And because it’s delivered as a relatable and memorable story, it will conjure a sense of shared purpose and inspired belief among stakeholders and move them to act in concert. This process yields a clear edge over conventional business presentations, which often focus on presenting data and rationale alone and, thus, fail to build an emotional connection with their audiences.

So, whether you require help to get executive buy-in for your vision, strategy, or roadmap, deliver on the promise of transformation, create alignment across cross-functional teams, or create a compelling pitch to support your Seed, Series A, or venture round fundraising, I will help you shape a strategic narrative that will move stakeholders to embrace your vision and rally behind you.

Side-by-side comparison of key communication and organizational processes in a fast-growing business without and with a strategic narrative being in place.

I offer expertise in:



  • Product presentations.
  • High-stakes proposals.
  • Sales decks.


  • Investor decks.
  • Roadshows.
  • Shareholder engagement.
  • Reporting.


  • Onboarding.
  • Executive presence.
  • Employee engagement.


  • Issue management.
  • Reputation protection.
  • Advocacy.
  • Key event coaching.
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