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Money matters. And when money means cryptocurrencies, charting a path to achieving one’s financial goals isn’t easy. For millions of new retail investors, this meant deep diving into analyzing news, market data, and charts of individual coins. It also meant establishing and managing accounts on multiple exchanges to buy, trade, and sell cryptocurrencies. And because crypto is digital, real-time, and trading 24/7, investors needed to constantly monitor their positions, sometimes day and night.

This was until now because Swedish CoinPanel decided to reinvent the cryptocurrency trading experience. They developed an intelligent crypto trade automation platform that enables every cryptocurrency investor to take his trading to the next level. CoinPanel delivers on that promise by guiding novice retail investors, simplifying complexities, including managing accounts on multiple exchanges, and supplying powerful API trade automation tools that render the constant monitoring of open trades obsolete.


When CoinPanel founders Alex Westin and Aran Hawker approached me to help them create the required strategic narrative to align their team behind their push for growth on a broader scale and raise 10 million euros in a Series A offering, we knew that we had our work cut out for ourselves. Crypto is still polarizing, sparking views and debates that whipsaw between sky-high optimism and extreme skepticism. So, we needed to craft a strategic narrative that would cut through the noise, position CoinPanel as the go-to crypto trade automation solution, and trigger enthusiasm among prospective investors in the company’s Series A offering.


As our first step, we developed a high-level business plan to share the company’s vision and manifest what CoinPanel aimed to achieve over the next 36 months. In doing so, we had to strike the perfect balance in our storytelling to convey entrepreneurial drive coupled with complex financial insights and technical details to both expert and non-expert audiences.

When our narrative started taking shape, I built a corresponding financial plan to quantify CoinPanel’s vision, strategies, benchmarks, and required resources. To engage and align everybody around this financial roadmap, I modeled projected subscriber growth on a granular level. This extra step enabled the founders, senior management, and leadership teams in product development, marketing, and sales to “play” with multiple assumptions until they yielded a growth scenario everybody was on board with.

Last, we produced a high-level investor pitch deck to support the company’s Series A offering. The deck mirrored CoinPanel’s vision and projected path from an innovative fintech startup to a profitable and rapidly growing cryptocurrency trading powerhouse on just 16 slides. Using clean, minimalist design and high-level storytelling, the deck conveyed a strong sense of confidence, competence, and substance to spark interest and trigger conversations with prospective investors.

The Deck (excerpt)

Impact statement - excerpt of CoinPanel's Series A investor pitch deck
Cryptocurrency traders around the world
Solution for cryptocurrency retail traders - excerpt of CoinPanel's Series A investor pitch deck
CoinPanel CEO Alex Westin presenting - excerpt of CoinPanel's Series A investor pitch deck
Key Milestones - excerpt of CoinPanel's Series A investor pitch deck
Allocation of funds - excerpt of CoinPanel's Series A investor pitch deck


“Karl led us to a simple yet powerful way of telling our story. Despite the complex financial and technical details that cryptocurrency trading entails, we are now able to connect with prospects and investors and increase our traction in both fields. They get it now. And they are enthusiastic about CoinPanel. Thanks Karl.”

Alexander Westin

Co-founder & CEO of CoinPanel AB/CoinPanel OÜ.

Lead by story. Accelerate growth.

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